Win a Wonder!

Win a Wonder!

Happy New Year! And thank you for Wonder Watching with us through 2013. We launched Wonder Watch at the beginning of last year as a means of heightening awareness of the beauty that graces our everyday lives. With the arrival of a new year, we’ll be changing our Wonder Watch schedule from a daily post to a weekly dose of wonder that will appear every Sunday. This will allow us greater attention to the quality of posts and provide the

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Coal Cracker Youth-led Project Invites Input

Coal Cracker Youth-led Project Invites Input

What’s a Coal Cracker? Think you know? It’s a question being posed by young Coal Region journalists to launch a new Mahanoy City-based youth-led media project titled, appropriately enough: Coal Cracker. Young participants are inviting the public—of all ages—to stop by the Mahanoy City Public Library during regular hours of operation to answer the question: “What’s a Coal Cracker?” by writing on, drawing on or decorating a 24″ x 36″ poster. The exercise is a way to explore our diverse

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Tools for Engagement Journalism

Tools for Engagement Journalism

By Krista Gromalski Engagement journalism—formerly referred to as civic journalism—mobilizes people to address local issues “in a powerful, focused way that shows how ordinary individuals can make a difference” (Denton & Thorson, 1995, How the News Media Might Work section, para. 5). According to leading theorist and New York University Professor Jay Rosen, civic journalism emerged most prominently in the early 1990s in newspaper initiatives focused on “regrounding the coverage of politics in the imperatives of public discussion and

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